Tod eines Dealers

spiegelonline_logoSeinen letzten Firmensitz hatte der Vater des modernen Rohstoffhandels über einem Bistro. Im Erdgeschoss des Bürogebäudes Baarerstraße 53 in Zug am Zugersee preist “Monsieur Baguette” in bunten Lettern Schweizer Birchermüesli, Brötli und Ovomaltine an, daneben wirbt ein Friseur mit großen Postern um Kundschaft. Aber auf Etage vier, vor der Zentrale der millionenschweren Holding, hängt nur ein diskretes Schild mit der Aufschrift “MRI Group of Companies”. Seinen vollen Namen hat Marc Rich ja öfter gelesen, als ihm lieb war. Und seine besten Geschäfte hat er gemacht, als ihn noch nicht so viele kannten.

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Oil King Marc Rich Dead At 78

forbes_logo_mainCommodities kingpin and fugitive American ex-pat Marc Rich died today from a stroke at the age of 78 in a hospital in Lucerne, Switzerland. Rich was the founder in 1974 of Marc Rich & Co. AG, a pioneering oil-trading firm. Beginning with a management buyout in 1994, the firm eventually became what is today Glencore Xstrata, the world’s largest commodities trading house. The Belgian-born Rich started out at the bottom but became a powerful and shadowy figure in financial circles.

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Revelações de um corretor de negócios muito amigo de governos

“Rei do Petróleo – A Vida Secreta de Marc Rich”, Daniel Ammann. Novo Século. 326 págs., R$ 39,90

Personagem-chave na criação do mercado spot de petróleo, Marc Rich era reverenciado, desde os anos 1970, como um dos mais bem-sucedidos corretores de commodities. Até que, em 1983, foi acusado, nos Estados Unidos, de sonegação fiscal e de fazer negócios com um país inimigo, o Irã (entre outros). Rich fugiu para a Suiça, de onde nunca mais voltou, apesar de tentativas do governo americano para extraditá-lo, e mesmo de sequestrá-lo. O livro de Daniel Ammann, jornalista suiço, é o resultado de mais de 30 horas de conversas com Rich, que lhe falou sobre sua vida e seus negócios com petróleo, nos quais esteve envolvido até os anos 1990. Ammann também ouviu colaboradores, amigos, parentes e funcionários do governo americano.

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O rei do petróleo

O REI DO PETROLEO – A VIDA SECRETA DE MARC RICH  – Livro de Daniel Ammann – Novo Seculo Editora – 2011 – Obra recem publicada nos EUA e no Brasil com a biografia do maior especulador de petroleo dos tempos modernos, Marc Rich, judeu belga cuja familia fugiu de Antuerpia em 1940 e depois de muitas peripécias chegou a Nova York pelo lendario vapor português Serpa Pinto, cuja historia já postei aqui no blog. Marc Rich começou sua vida  na famosa trading de metais Philip Brothers, a PHIBRO, muito conhecida no Brasil e que tinha escritorio em São Paulo. Read More »

Founding father backs Glencore IPO

Marc Rich, founder of the Swiss trading house that evolved into Glencore, says the group has little choice but to become a public company, despite believing that secrecy is an advantage in the commodities market. In his first interview in at least 20 years, Mr Rich backed Glencore’s steps to become a public company this year and even said he planned to buy shares in the business that he sold in 1993.Read More »

Der Ölhändler von Castro und Khomeini

Dass Bücher über ökonomische Themen nicht per se trocken oder zu theoretisch sind, beweist das Buch von Daniel Ammann über Marc Rich, das sich stellenweise wie ein Thriller liest. Dass es sich trotzdem um ein seriöses Buch handelt, zeigt die Verleihung des renommierten Georg-von-Holtzbrinck-Preises für Wirtschaftspublizistik an den Autor. Ammann schreibt über den wohl mächtigsten Rohstoffhändler aller Zeiten, Marc Rich. Er stand 17 Jahre wegen Steuerbetrugs und Geschäften mit dem Iran auf der Fahndungsliste der am meisten gesuchten Männer der USA, bis ihn Präsident Bill Clinton an seinem letzten Amtstag im Januar 2001 begnadigte.Read More »

“Marc Rich – Der König des Öls”

Die Amerikaner schickten zwei ihrer besten Agenten auf die heikle Mission: Howard Safir, den späteren Polizeichef von New York, und Chefinspektor Don Ferrarone, eine Legende, seit er mitgeholfen hatte, den größten Drogenring der Vereinigten Staaten zu zerschlagen. Getarnt als harmlose Touristen, reisten die beiden Undercover-Polizisten im Herbst 1985 in die Schweiz ein. Ihre Mission, das wussten sie genau, würde die freundschaftlichen Beziehungen zu den Eidgenossen nachhaltig stören: Sie wollten hinter dem Rücken der Behörden einen Geschäftsmann entführen, der sich vor der amerikanischen Justiz ins schweizerische Städtchen Zug abgesetzt hatte.Read More »

Why Sanctions Against Iran Will (Almost Surely) Fail

Iran is coming under even greater pressure to curb its nuclear program. The U.N. Security Council is expected to vote soon on a fresh round of sanctions against the country. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that the draft resolution is even “somewhat stronger” than he expected. According to the New York Times, even the very lucrative energy sector is mentioned in the preamble, noting the “potential connection between Iran’s revenues derived from its energy sector” and possible financing for its nuclear program.Read More »

“Ævintýralegt líf í olíuheimi”

Frá árinu 1940 og fram til 1970 var verð á tunnu af hráolíu á bilinu 2 – 3 USD. Verð breyttust lítið þótt sveiflur kæmu fram öðru hvoru þegar heimsmálin voru í óvissu. Markaðurinn á þessum tíma var í ástandi sem kallað er „oligapoly“ þar sem hinar sjö systur svokölluðu (Chevron, Esso, Shell, Texaco, BP, Mobil og Gulf) réðu alfarið verðlagningu á olíuvörum í heiminum. Á þessum tíma kostaði að meðaltali ca. 40 cent að ná upp tunnu af hráolíu og með söluverð í 2.50 USD þá var hagnaður risanna gríðarlegur. Til samanburðar þá er talið að meðalverð á olíu uppúr sjó í dag sé um 35.00 USD pr. tunnu.Read More »

“Glencore, le joker pétrolier d’Israël”

Pour priver l’Iran d’essence et l’obliger à négocier sur le dossier nucléaire, les pays occidentaux multiplient les pressions sur les négociants qui l’alimentent en produits pétroliers. Si les Etats-Unis menacent de faire voter une loi, Israël préfère faire jouer ses relations privilégiées avec la principale entreprise de négoce au monde, le suisse Glencore, dont le chiffre d’affaires s’élevait à 165 milliards de francs suisses en 2008. Basé à Zoug, le groupe, qui s’est longtemps appelé Marc Rich + Co. AG, travaille en bonne intelligence avec Tel-Aviv depuis près de quarante ans.Read More »

“Besmeurde leven van oliehandelaar Marc Rich”

In de biografie The King of Oil schetst de Zwitserse journalist Daniel Ammann een opvallend mild portret van de omstreden Amerikaanse oliehandelaar Marc Rich (75). In de jaren tachtig kreeg Rich, die in Antwerpen werd geboren, de publieke opinie over zich heen toen aanklager Rudolph Giuliani hem beschuldigde van grootschalige belastingontduiking én van illegale oliehandel met Iran. Toen president Bill Clinton hem in 2001 gratie verleende, luidde de kritiek dat Rich zelfs de gunsten van de machtigste man ter wereld kon kopen. Ammann somt in zijn boek de talrijke steken op die Giuliani liet vallen bij zijn (tevergeefse) pogingen om Rich voor de rechter te slepen. Ook gunt hij de lezer een soms ontstellende blik achter de schermen van de internationale grondstoffenhandel.Read More »

“Glencore as Israel’s Wild Card”

To deprive Iran of gasoline and force the country to come to the negotiating table regarding its nuclear program, Western nations are turning up the heat on traders who supply Tehran with oil products. While the United States is threatening to adopt a new sanctions bill, Israel is clearly preferring to use its special relations with the world’s leading trading concern, Switzerland’s Glencore, which had annual sales of SFR 165 billion in 2008, to pressure the Iranians. The group, which was long named Marc Rich + Co, has enjoyed excellent relations with Tel Aviv for nearly 40 years.Read More »

Marc Rich Spills His Secrets

The fugitive financier’s biographer talks to Allan Dodds Frank about Rich’s global commodities empire, his connection to U.S. intelligence, and how he bribed world leaders.

Everyone has a favorite fugitive. Hollywood loves Roman Polanski; the Taliban worship Osama bin Laden. For me and dozens of other reporters who have intermittently chased Marc Rich over the last three decades, the commodities trader has been the man most tantalizingly on the lam.

Now comes the journalistic coup by Daniel Ammann, an intrepid Swiss business journalist who, after years of trying to interview Rich, sits down, writes him a long letter full of loaded questions, and astonishingly convinces Rich to be interviewed at length—on the record—for The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich. Much of Rich’s story has long been suspected, but hard to prove.Read More »

“King of oil” discloses his “secret lives”


Commodity trader Marc Rich admits he’s been painted as a “devil”, but a new book by a Swiss journalist describes the billionaire as neither saint nor sinner.

Daniel Ammann, who interviewed Rich extensively for his book, The King of Oil, told how an oil pipeline through Israel – a joint venture between Iran and Israel – was one of Rich’s greatest successes at a time when the two countries were seemingly impossible trading partners.Read More »